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Essential 1: Strategic Marketing Plan

The most important planning tool in your practice will be your Strategic Marketing Plan.

Get started with your PTRM Physical Therapy Strategic Marketing Plan (SMP) to insure you get results from all your marketing efforts. In addition, the PTRM marketing program uses an easy-to-follow step-by-step implementation process. As a result, you can see where you are and what you can do to improve.When you complete your marketing plan, you’ll see important changes in your business. These changes lead to long-term success.

Your SMP Includes:

Marketing Strategy

  • Strategic Messaging & Content Plan
  • New Patient Acquisition Strategy
  • Lead Generation Strategy
  • Conversion Strategy
  • Growth Chart & Results Tracking

Media Mix, Channels, & Budget

  • Detailed Marketing Budget
  • Internet & Social Media
  • Outbound Advertising & Direct Mail
  • Direct Consumer
  • Physician & Professional
  • Internal Marketing
  • Alliance & Co-op Programs

Get Started For Free

  1. Schedule an SMP consultation SMP Getting Started Consult.
  2. Sign up for a free 30 day trial.

Read More:
Essential 1: Marketing Plans and Ideas
Article: PT Marketing Plans for Physical Therapy and Fitness Practices

Icon for physical therapy marketing strategic planning

Strategic Planning

Icon for physical therapy internal marketing

Point of Care

Icon for websites and digital marketing for physical therapy practices

Websites & Digital

Icon for physical therapy consumer marketing and advertising

Consumer Marketing

Icon for physical therapy physician marketing

Physician Marketing

Icon for physical therapy marketing and advertising project management

Project Management

Icon representing PT Referral Machine printing services

Print Services


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