Marketing physical therapy to consumers –  programs and concepts are included with Level 3 service plans or can be purchased separately.

Marketing Physical Therapy To Consumers Using Direct Response  Treatment Themes

Back & Neck Pain

Chronic Pain

Joint Pain

Balance & Dizziness

Fall Assessment & Prevention Planning

Pre-Post Surgical

Sports Injuries & Athletic Conditioning


Hand & Wrist

Ankle & Foot

Knee & Hip


Please continue reading this article for background information or click  below to get started today.

The New Frontier of Healthcare Consumerism – Revisited

Our first article about consumer marketing in healthcare appeared in our blog in 2011. We titled it The New Frontier In Practice ManagementThe idea was simple – as information technology improves, consumers rely less and less on their physician for medical information. Instead, they gather more information on their own. Some of the information they actively search for, and some information is obtained through time and exposure. Either way, the marketing challenges described in The New Frontier revolve around strategic content management.

Marketing Physical Therapy To Consumers Using Direct Response Treatment Themes

Thinking about what to say and how to say it in your marketing can be hard. To help you get started writing content that gets results, let’s start with an exercise. Take a few minutes, pull out a blank piece of paper, and try writing a direct response ad…

How did that go?

If you’re like most healthcare advertisers, you probably came up with a pile of commonly used expressions like “experienced,” “friendly,” “caring,” “specialized,” “most convenient,” and, my favorite, “patient-focused.” These are just a few, and no doubt you thought of plenty more. We call this the platitude trap – a trap advertisers fall into when they don’t have a real messaging strategy.

Avoid commonly used expressions and platitudes that do little to separate you from your competition

When marketing physical therapy to consumers, it’s important to remember that people don’t respond to over-used words or phrases. In fact, using them negatively affects your readers. This is because your audience already expects you (and your competitors) to have “experience,” be “caring,” and “patient- focused.” So those words may create the opposite reaction to what you want. Instead of thinking “that’s great,” your reader thinks “well I would hope so!” That’s probably not the response you intended to evoke. What you want is to engage your audience with helpful, decision facilitating information. Help them learn how to find the best PT provider for their particular condition.

And as far as claiming you are “convenient,” unless you go to the patient, it’s not something you can be to everyone. You are convenient for some, but not so much for others, especially when mobility is an issue. Your audience must draw this conclusion on their own. So try to avoid making claims like this that sound like a pure sales pitch and may not even apply to many readers. In addition, in healthcare marketing, those types of claims become an annoying distraction.

Lazy PT marketing strategies rely on these platitudes as a primary service differentiator. Because platitudes are commonplace and predictable, they lack power to engage the reader. The reader’s mind tends to wander and move on. Even if they stay with you, they don’t differentiate you from your competition.

For example, take a look at the Bad PT Ad Example below. This was an actual ad run by a small chain of clinics. We removed the logo and clinic name.

Bad PT Ad Example – The Platitude Trap – Gets Limited Results & Low or Negative ROI
Bad PT Ad Example

Pretty typical ad, don’t you think? But what if you knew how to fix this to work better? What if you knew how to apply a writing filter that measured the relative power of your ad messages?

On our E3 Consumer Marketing Web Conference we’ll show you how to systematically go through this sample ad and rebuild it to get predictable, and profitable, direct response. Our E3 Consumer Marketing  web conference provides you with the tools and training to produce money-making marketing on your own (or direct someone else to do it for you).

What you will learn on the Consumer Marketing Web Conference:

  • The Direct Response Results Formula.
  • How to predict comparative response levels using the L0-L5 filter.
  • How to use treatment themes to build a profitable patient acquisition system.
What You Will Receive:
  1. Power Writing Tools Workbook
  2. Your first finished patient lead generator (completed by our team after the event).
  3. 30 days of strategic consulting support via email.
  4. $250 of credit with PTRM Print Services with your paid registration.

When done right, consumer marketing themes have broad appeal and produce profitable results.

Join us on the web conference and get ready to drive in more new patients – guaranteed!