Why Blogging And Social Media Platforms Are Probably A Waste Of Time For MOST Physical Therapists, And A Competitive Weapon For A Select Few

Marketing Lessons From 2010 In Less Than 400 Words

It’s a new year, and that means you probably thought you would get some relief from the onslaught of the ever-popular “Looking Back At 2010” articles you endured this past December. Not so fast…  Now that we are done reading through our pile, we thought we would try contributing one of our own.

First, a quick look back at 2010. The social media buzz dominated 2010. It was the most frequently “what do we do about this” topic raised by clients and prospects. It seems that most practitioners couldn’t escape the hype, and if you didn’t rush to create a blog or Facebook page for your clinic, you probably felt like the train left the station without you. No worries, because social media marketing will continue to be more hype than pressing business priority for 2011. In fact, when you look at how most companies are implementing social media, it becomes instantly evident that many will end up throwing it out and starting over, or just not get anything out of it at all.

The majority of social media implementers underestimate the demands of constantly creating worthy blog and social media content – it’s a BIG job even if you have the experience and training.  Another common mistake, rushing to publish, leads to a pile of poor quality, confusing information. Feeding these social media systems with the right content that fits the strategic needs of the business requires planning and discipline.

So if you feel like you missed the blogging and social media train, rest easy, another one will be along when you are ready.

To get this right, the best preparation is to forget about the web technology decision and focus your effort on your strategic content. This may sound like a veiled invitation to jump on the blogging/social media bandwagon and publish, publish, publish, but it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. A good plan for strategic content means you determine what to say and how to say it in an appealing, consistent way for your audience. This consistency becomes the foundation of all your messaging. With a solid strategic foundation,  your blog and social media platforms will become a powerful tool for deployment of a sound internet strategy.

4 Ways To Learn More About How To Create A Strategic Messaging System:

  1. Sign up today for Nitin Chhoda’s popular “Referral Ignition” and get 6 -CEUs. Registration opens today, and is limited to 50 people. 13 early birds have already signed up, and last year the program sold out in 5 days. For more information and to regsiter now, click here and receive a $100 discount when you use the code ptreferralmachine. Also receive complimentary professional design on one of Nitin’s postcard templates.
  2. Register for our 90 minute Power Writing Workshop for $149. Learn more at https://ptreferralmachine.com/power_writing
  3.  Register for our 60 minute complimentary live PT marketing webinar. Learn more at https://ptreferralmachine.com/free_webinar.
  4. Read our blog at https://ptreferralmachine.com/physical-therapy-marketing-blog/

David C. Steinberg
The PT Referral Machine.