If you are watching this summer’s Olympic coverage, no doubt you have heard about the latest swimsuit controversy. Some say many swimmers wearing the new Speedo LZR Racer have an unfair advantage. Many credible experts say the LZR Racer reduces drag by 4%. This means that swimmers without the latest Speedo would be at a clear competitive disadvantage.

What a great position for Speedo to be in. Hundreds of millions of viewers all over the world will quickly learn why Speedo is “the best,” REALLY. They will hear about specific things like NASA testing, bouyancy, ultrasonic seems rather than the old stitched seems, and the records being set by those wearing the suit. The New Speedo suit technology is so important that Michael Phelps has four different designs – each one for a specific race. Viewers will also read and hear about other big names like Nike scrambling to find an answer. Can you imagine being Nike, the sponsor of the US swim team, who has to sit by and watch their marketing dollars go down the drain as their suits get pushed aside for the superior Speedo? YIKES! This is reminiscent of Tiger Woods a couple of years ago when he publicly complained that his Nike driver was holding him back. Remember?

Olympic swimmers going for Gold and physical therapists looking to win in business have the same opportunities to pick the strategic partners with the best solutions. If you swim and want to remain competitive, and you hear about an innovation that changes the game, like the Speedo, you want to be in on that. Agreed?

Well The PT Referral Machine (PTRM) is an innovation. Unlike anything you may have tried before like training programs and seminars that send you home with a 3-ring binder full of stuff you’ll never use, PTRM actually runs professionally managed marketing operations for you.  We actually implement Fortune 500-style marketing operations in your business on a small business budget. It’s like a Speedo, you get it fit, and you’re ready for your race. PTRM provides websites, patient relations manager (CRM), patient guides, direct mail programs, physician letters, results tracking and ROI analysis, graphic design, copy writing, and executive-level management – all for one affordable monthly fee. PTRM is not for the average PT who just “swims” for recreation; PTRM, like a Speedo, is for the serious competitor.

If you tend to be the type who sits back and waits to see how others do in the newest Speedo before you try one on for yourself, chances are you’ll always be one of the last in the race. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand being the one always a lap behind. Finishing with the winners is a lot more fun, don’t you think?